
Showing posts from October, 2016

We’re on trail of Miyetti leader’s killers – Bello

October 31, 2016      Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State says he is working with security agencies to unmask the killers of the state Chairman of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, Alhaji Abubakar Jalido. Jalido was assassinated by yet to be identified gunmen on October 30 in his residence at Peace Community, Lokoja. Bello, who said this in a statement in Lokoja on Sunday, condemned the brutal killing of Jalido, saying the killers would be apprehended and made to face the law for the dastardly act. He called for calm among Fulani herdsmen in the state, advising against reprisal and extrajudicial reaction from any quarters. “The prevailing calm in the wake of the unfortunate crime should be sustained,” the governor pleaded in the statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mrs. Petra Akinti-Onyegbule. “It is important that crime does not go unpunished, in order to send a resounding message to all and sundry tha

We’re on trail of Miyetti leader’s killers – Bello

October 31, 2016      Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State says he is working with security agencies to unmask the killers of the state Chairman of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, Alhaji Abubakar Jalido. Jalido was assassinated by yet to be identified gunmen on October 30 in his residence at Peace Community, Lokoja. Bello, who said this in a statement in Lokoja on Sunday, condemned the brutal killing of Jalido, saying the killers would be apprehended and made to face the law for the dastardly act. He called for calm among Fulani herdsmen in the state, advising against reprisal and extrajudicial reaction from any quarters. “The prevailing calm in the wake of the unfortunate crime should be sustained,” the governor pleaded in the statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mrs. Petra Akinti-Onyegbule. “It is important that crime does not go unpunished, in order to send a resounding message to all and sundry tha


Home  »  Prayers  »  21 Prayer Points For Supernatural Breakthrough 21 Prayer Points For Supernatural Breakthrough Zech. 1:18-20, Hebrew 11:1 CONFESSION:    Zechariah 1:17:  Cry yet, saying Thus said the Lord of Hosts, My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread; and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem. PRAYER POINTS: Father Lord, by your mighty power, by the power in the Blood of Jesus, Fire of Holy Ghost, scatter and destroy any hindering spirit around me, in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, scatter and destroy the power of devouring spirit and limitation, in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, any decree made upon my feet because I have come to Christ, let it be revoked in Jesus’ name. Father Lord, let my feet be anointed and washed by your blood to lead me to peaceful places, in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, release the spirit of carpenter upon me to destroy the horns of enemies, in the name of Jesus. Any decree to cause satani

Power of Anointing and Prayer Point.

Power of Anointing and Prayer Point. POWER OF ANOINTING AND PRAYER POINT . 1.Because of the anointing, bondage is ended in my life, and the slave yoke is completely taken off my neck in the name of Jesus. 2.By the power of anointing which I received, I gain insight into all of God's purposes for my life. ( 1 John 2: 20 ). 3.By the power of anointing , foreigners shall be my servants, they shall feed my flocks and plough my fields, and take care of my vineyards. My calling shall be authenticated before men. 4.By the power of anointing in my life, I have double portion of prosperity and everlasting joy.( Isaiah 61: 5-7 ). 5.Satan is kept out of my life, home, business and all interests. 6.The anointing which I have received of God, abides in me, and will teach me all things and enable me abide in God's perfect will for my life. I am released to wax great, go forward, and become very great in Jesus name. ( Genesis 26 : 13 ). 7.The Lord's hand rest upon me. Victory, succ

EFCC investigating those in Buhari govt, says Magu

Home   Latest News Latest News News October 26, 2016 tweet EFCC Chairman, Ibrahim Magu Olalekan Adetayo and Godwin Isenyo The Acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crime Commission, Ibrahim Magu, said on Tuesday that the EFCC was investigating some officers of the current administration under President Muhammadu Buhari. Magu said this had become possible because the governing All Progressives Congress, under Buhari, had the political will to fight corruption in the country. Also, Magu said the President had given an order to investigate any Nigerian, no matter how highly-placed. The EFCC chairman said this when he paid a courtesy visit to the National Union of Textiles and Garment Tailoring Workers of Nigeria in Kaduna. He said the operations of the anti-graft commission were not selective in their fight against graft as being insinuated in some quarters. Magus added, “We have cause to investigate, and in fact, we are investigating even those that are in government

Land dispute: Former Enugu commissioner attacked, hospitalised

      Home    News    South News News South News October 24, 2016      Anike Ihuoma Chiedozie, Enugu A former Commissioner for Transport in Enugu State, Mr. Beloved Anike, is currently battling for his life in hospital, following an attack over land dispute. It was gathered that the attack occurred on October 22 at Umuchigbo Iji-Nike, a community in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State. Our correspondent learnt that Anike, who is a zonal pastor with the Redeemed Christian Church of God, was attacked after he opposed plans by some members of the community to sell some parcels of land. It was also gathered that the assailants kidnapped Anike’s site engineer, Emmanuel Ogbo. Narrating his ordeal to journalists at the Eastern Medical Centre, Anike said he was attacked because he opposed the sale of some parcels of land in the community, saying his own plot of land was among those put up for sale. He said when he got wind of the plan to sell his land, he rushed to
Check out @fgc_igbosere's Tweet:

We spent N785m on anti-B’Haram campaign in Lagos – Obanikoro … confirms giving N1.7bn to Omisore before 2014 Osun gov poll

October 20, 2016      Former Minister of State for Defence, Musiliu Obanikoro Fidelis Soriwei, Abuja The ongoing interrogation of the former Minister of State for Defence, Musiliu Obanikoro, entered its third day on Wednesday with the ex-minister saying that N785m out of the N4.68bn, allegedly collected by him, was spent on souvenirs and other items to promote anti-Boko Haram campaign in Lagos. Obanikoro is being grilled by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in connection with disbursement of N4.68bn, the anti-graft commission claimed was collected by the ex-minister in the run-up to the governorship election in Ekiti State in June 2014 and Osun State in August 2014. The ex-minister, who flew in from his United States base on Monday and reported to the EFCC, admitted on Wednesday that he transferred N1.7bn of the money to the 2014 governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in Osun State, Senator Iyiola Omisore. “He told the panel that the N785m was spent o

Two die as masquerader’s supporters clash with Island youths

Latest News Metro Plus October 19, 2016      Samson Folarin and Olaleye Aluko Odunfa Street, in the Adeniji Adele area, Lagos Island, was a theatre of war after supporters of a masquerader clashed with some youths on Sunday, leading to the death of two persons. It was gathered that an event meant to be the annual celebration of the masquerader, identified as  Adakeja Masquerade , turned bloody, during which a 19-year-old, Charles Igbinovia, and one yet-to-be identified man, were killed. Several others were reportedly injured. Our correspondents learnt that the mayhem occurred around 5pm after the masquerader ignored an order by a chief in the area that he should not celebrate the festival because of violence that was perpetrated during past festivals. PUNCH Metro  gathered that some youths, who were loyal to the chief, tried to enforce the order, but supporters of the masquerader allegedly unleashed mayhem on the youths, resulting in the deaths. Policemen from the Adeniji Ade

Stop blaming Buhari for herdsmen, farmers’ clashes, says Obasanjo

Latest News News October 19, 2016      Ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo Okechukwu Nnodim, Abuja FORMER President Olusegun Obasanjo on Tuesday declared that it was not the job of President Muhammadu Buhari to address the deadly clashes between herdsmen and farmers. This is coming as he decried the increasing level of hunger being experienced by Nigerians across the country, stressing that it was sad to note that about 65 per cent of the citizens were faced with food insecurity. He also urged the Federal Government to drastically reduce or ban the importation of staple food crops, as Nigeria had the potential to produce most of the agricultural products that were being imported into the country. Obasanjo spoke during the 23rd Annual LAPO Development Forum which had as its theme ‘Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities,’ and was organised by the Lift Above Poverty Organisation in Abuja. The former President stated that he often got angry

Obanikoro admits giving N2.3bn to Gov Fayose

Latest News News October 19, 2016      Fayose & Obanikoro Fidelis Soriwei, Abuja A  former Minister of State for Defence, Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, has told the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission that he gave the sum of N2.3bn to the Governor of Ekiti State, Ayodele Fayose, in the run-up to the Ekiti State governorship election in 2014. Obanikoro was said to have also told operatives that N60m was converted to dollars at N168 per to a dollar and given to Fayose. The PUNCH  learnt on Tuesday that the minister told operatives of the anti-graft commission, who continued his interrogation in Abuja on Tuesday, that he personally handed over N5,357,357 to the governor on an occasion. A top operative of the commission, who spoke to our correspondent on condition of anonymity, said Obanikoro told his interrogators that the money was transferred to Fayose on the instruction of the former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki, (retd.). The source alleged that followin

Stop eating imported rice, Aregbesola tells Nigerians

October 18, 2016      Femi Makinde, Osogbo The Osun State Governor, Mr. Rauf Aregbesola, has advised Nigerians to stop eating imported rice and return to the pre-1980 era when indigenous rice was eaten only during festive periods. The governor also advised Nigerians to embrace family planning, saying stopping the eating of imported rice and limiting the number of children each couple gave birth to would be effective tools towards eradicating poverty in the country. Aregbesola said this in Osogbo on Monday at an event organised by the Osun State Agency for Community and Social Development to mark the 2016 International Day for Eradication of Poverty. The governor also said since laziness was a factor that engendered poverty, every adult should strive to be productively engaged, especially in the agriculture sector, to ensure an abundant availability of food. He said, “If we work and pray, we will banish poverty from our environment. Rice was not a staple food in Nigeria before

EFCC probes Buhari’s ministers for corruption

Home    News News October 16, 2016      EFCC Chairman, Ibrahim Magu Fidelis Soriwei Strong indications have emerged that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has opened investigations into activities of some serving ministers in the President Muhammadu Buhari administration. SUNDAY PUNCH’s  investigation revealed that operatives involved in the discreet probe had gathered some evidence against the affected ministers. A top operative of the EFCC who confided in our correspondent said investigations on two of the ministers had got to an advanced level. The source said the two ministers were being probed in connection with financial crimes. It was learnt that one of the ministers is from the South-West while the other is from the South-East. Operatives of the EFCC’s Economic Governance Unit are probing the minister from the South-East while the investigation into the activities of the South-West minister is being handled by its Special Operations Unit. Both ministers

2019 election : I may not support you, Aisha warns Buhari

Home    Uncategorized October 14, 2016      The First Lady, Aisha has warned her husband, President Muhammadu Buhari that she may not back him at the 2019 election unless he shakes up his government. Aisha in an interview with BBC said, the president does not know most of the top officials he has appointed. She said: “The president does not know 45 out of 50, for example, of the people he appointed and I don’t know them either, despite being his wife of 27 years.” “Some people are sitting down in their homes folding their arms only for them to be called to come and head an agency or a ministerial position.” In the BBC interview, the First Lady refused to name those who had hijacked the government, saying: “You will know them if you watch television.” On whether the president was in charge, she said: “That is left for the people to decide.” Mrs Buhari said her husband had not told her whether he would contest the 2019 election. “He is yet to tell me but I have decided, as hi

Fayose impounds cow for illegal grazing

Home    Latest News Latest News Metro Plus October 14, 2016      • The cow Photo: Kamarudeen Ogundele Kamarudeen Ogundele, Ado Ekiti The Ekiti State Governor, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, has impounded one of the cows that were grazing along Ado-Afao Road. The governor’s Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, posted on his  Facebook  page that the governor on Wednesday in Ado Ekiti led armed security men and some youths to impound the cow. He said as soon as the two herdsmen monitoring the cows sighted the governor, they ran into the bush, while some of the youths chased the cows and got one of them. He said, “Governor Fayose was going to Ikole Ekiti when he came across herdsmen along Afao Ekiti Road in Ado Ekiti. “The governor demonstrated the seriousness of the Ekiti State Anti-Grazing Law by personally seeing to it that one of the cows was ‘arrested’ by youths after the herdsmen ran into the bush upon sighting the governor’s security men. The rem

BREAKING: FG releases names of freed Chibok girls

Image Home   Latest News Latest News October 13, 2016 tweet The names of the 21 Chibok girls who were released on Thursday have been made public by the Federal Government. See full list below: Mary Usman Bulama Jumai JohnBlessing AbanaLuggwa SandaComfort HabilaMaryam BasheerComfort AmosGlory MaintaSaratu EmmanuelDeborah Ja’afaruRahab IbrahimHelin MusaMaryamu LawanRebecca IbrahimAsabe GoniDeborah AndrawusAgnes GapaniSaratu MarkusGlory DamaPindah NuhuRebecca Mallam TAGS Chibok girls tweet

Alleged fraud: EFCC declares Goodie Ibru wanted

    Home    News News October 13, 2016      Goodie Ibru Fidelis Soriwei, Abuja The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has declared a manhunt for business mogul, Goodie Ibru, over alleged diversion of billions of naira and assets belonging to the Ikeja Hotels Plc. The Ikeja Hotels Plc are the owners of the Lagos Sheraton Hotel and the Federal Palace Hotel, Abuja. Investigations revealed that Ibru was declared wanted in relation with a case of alleged conspiracy, capital market fraud, diversion of billions of funds and assets belonging the Ikeja Hotels Plc. A top operative of the commission said that the commission decided to declare Ibru wanted when the commission’s efforts to arrest him failed. The source said, “Goodie Ibru has been declared wanted by the commission. “The case against him is conspiracy to commit capital market fraud, diversion of funds. “He is wanted for diverting billions of naira and assets of Ikeja Hotel Plc, the owner of Sheraton Hotel and Fe

Recession: W’Bank anchors Nigeria’s recovery on expansionary budget

    Home    Business    Business & Economy October 13, 2016      World Bank president Jim Yong Kim / AFP PHOTO / NICHOLAS KAMM Everest Amaefule, Abuja After going through economic recession in 2016, Nigeria will experience moderate rebound in 2017, the World Bank has said. The bank, which stated this in its report, Africa’s Pulse, anchored the nation’s revival on the Federal Government’s expansionary budget, expected to begin to yield result only in 2017 because of slow implementation. It also hinged its optimism of early exit from recession on stable oil prices in the international oil market as well as expected increased production of oil. The World Bank report said, “Among the region’s three largest economies, Nigeria is expected to endure an economic contraction in 2016, as declining oil production and manufacturing weigh on activity. “The economy is expected to rebound moderately in 2017 as the long-delayed expansionary budget begins to be implemented, oil prices st

Man beats landlord to pulp for stopping him from killing sister

October 11, 2016      A Lagos landlord was beaten to a coma by one Sunday Ugah for preventing him from committing murder. The 29-year-old Ugah was on Tuesday brought before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court. Ugah, who is unemployed and resides at Iju-Ifako area of Lagos, is facing charges of breach of the peace, willful damage to property and assault. The prosecutor, Sgt. Yomi Egunjobi told the court that the accused committed the offences on Sept.7 at Agege, a Lagos suburb. He said the accused assaulted a landlord, Mr. Musiliu Lawal, by tearing his clothes and beating him until he became unconscious. Egunjobi said the complainant was beaten because he intervened when the accused wanted to kill his sister. He said, “The accused went to his elder sister’s shop to ask for N2,000 but his sister refused; he descended on her and dealt her several blows on the face and body. “When he was not satisfied with the beating, he picked a broken bottle threatening to stab her to death if the mo

Blackout hits Lagos communities

Home    Latest News Latest News News October 11, 2016      Residents of Ikotun, Igando, Ijegun and Isheri Osun in Lagos have been in blackout for about a month due to breakdown of the Ejigbo Transmission Station. The blackout has crippled economic activities in the Lagos suburbs where many artisans and petty traders depend on electricity for operations. The residents, led by their various Community Development Associations executives, have lodged several complaints at outlets of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria in the areas but the blackout persists. The Chairman of the Community Road CDA in Ijegun, Mr Abimbola Alabi, told  NAN  on Tuesday that the community was fed up with the situation. “When the power supply seized in September, we gathered ourselves together and went to PHCN officials and they told us that it was a major fault from Ejigbo Transmission Station. “They promised to fix it within the first week of this situation but it has lingered for over three weeks.

Lagos needs 187, 500 new houses to reduce deficit – Ambode

Home    News October 10, 2016      Lagos State Governor, Akinwumi Ambode Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos State on Monday said there was the need for additional 187, 500 new houses in the next five years to reduce the housing deficit estimated at 2.5 million in the state. Ambode, who was represented by his Deputy, Dr Idiat Adebule, gave the figure at the 2016 World Habitat Day organised by the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development in Lagos. On Dec. 17, 1985, the United Nations General Assembly designated the first Monday of October of every year as World Habitat Day. It is a day to reflect on the condition of cities and towns as well as the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The theme for this year’s commemoration is ‘ Housing at the Centre’. He said that the demand for shelter and new houses had continued to rise due to population growth, increasing urbanisation and daily influx of people into the state. He said, “Shelter ranks next to food as a human n

Gunmen abduct printing press employee, demand N100m ransom

Home    Metro Plus October 10, 2016      tweet Brown Olaleye Aluko Some gunmen on Friday kidnapped an employee of a commercial printing press in Ikeja, Mr. Emmanuel Brown, in the Agric, Ikorodu area of the state. Our correspondent learnt that Brown, who was driving home with his wife and daughter, was attacked by the gunmen at about 7pm around Church bus stop, Agric. The assailants reportedly took the family hostage in their car, whisking them away to a junction in the neighbouring Imota area, where they let go of the wife and daughter on the same evening. The matter was said to have been reported at the Imota Police Division and the Area N Command, Ijede. A relation, who did not want her name in print, said the gunmen had called the family and demanded a ransom of N100m. She said, “The kidnappers called in on Saturday morning and demanded a ransom. We begged them that we could not raise such amount. We are still negotiating with them. They have not yet agreed to lower the