At Foursquare Gospel Church, we pay our TITHES AND OFFERINGS. We do not question it because God commanded it, we know it is biblical and God blesses us through it. God keeps His own end of the bargain in tithing, why should we fail on our part? If we obey other scriptures, why should we query tithing? No, we do not and we will not!

Again, we did not just become members of Foursquare Gospel Church; we were schooled in the twenty-two (22) tenets of faith of our church; tithes and offering being one of them. We were not coerced to obey and abide by these tenets of faith, we searched the scriptures ourselves, we found them there and were convinced they are biblical and the truth. If we obey all the tenets but one, we will be hypocrites(Matthew 23:23)
We don’t question whether tithing is convenient or not. It is a seed we sow not a debt we owe. For us, the baseline is 10% no matter the sum: small or large. After all, it was not convenient for God when He gave us Jesus, but He did anyway. So we don’t talk about convenience; obedience is so easy for us because we are motivated by love in giving as in all acts of our worship to our God. The love of God is what drives our obedience. He said “If ye love me, keep my commandments” John 14:15. And honestly in Foursquare, we love the Lord and obey Him in all things; tithes and offering inclusive.

Best still, we don’t ask our Pastors how they spend our tithes and offerings because we don’t have to. We are part of the spending and they report to us quarterly and annually in our General membership meetings (GMM). The books are laid bare for everyone to see. It becomes pointless and needless to raise unnecessary arguments. We don’t do that!

We also feel God is generous to take 10% and gives us the remaining 90% of what He owns and decided to give us. After all, “… A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” John 3:27. If we own the 90%, why struggle to give back just 10%? The truth is; our money is God’s money in our hands and here in Foursquare Gospel Church, we won’t deny him access to the money and resources He has blessed us with. That’s unwise! If we give Him, we know He will replace and replenish it in our pockets. We are sure of that! So tithing and giving is not what we debate. We are responsible to God with it and we won’t act irresponsibly.
Finally, we do not just give our tithes; we also pay our offerings and do much more. And in giving our tithes, we do not take the 90% before the 10% goes to God. We remove the 10% first and give Him with joy and thanksgiving so His blessings can rest upon the rest. That is who we are, this is what we do, no place for arguments, we don’t rob God, we are proudly Foursquarians!
God bless all faithful tithers

God gives understanding to everyone who has not caught the revelation

God bless our Pastors who use our tithes judiciously for the work of the Kingdom of our God

God bless the entire body of Christ

We have accepted what we should not change and have rejected what we should not accept.

#TithingIsMySpiritualObligationToGod! #ProudlyFoursquarian! #TheseWeBelieve!


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