THEME OF THE YEAR (NEW HEIGHTS LEV 26:13) PHIL 3:13-14 THEME OF THE MONTH: ORACLES OF GOD (1 PETER 4:11). TOPIC: THE BLE SSEDNESS OF INFORMED HEART. God dwells in unapproachable light. He however loves to manifest Himself to mankind so that we can walk with Him. It is important that those who will walk with Him humble themselves to learn says "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will from Him; so they can be wise in the things of the kingdom. Matthew 11:28-31 give you rest. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light", When we fail to become learners, we often end up frustrated in the faith or we go on fumbling along in the journey as we follow God by the figment of our minds or the cultivation of our culture. To be oracles of God in word or deed, we must stri...
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Happy Birthday Rev. Joseph Akanbi Lamidi, You have blessed so many lives through your faithful ministry; may you be blessed greatly in return on this special day. All of us in your church family wish you a very happy birthday with many more to come. January 16 get it here
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JANUARY 7, 2018 1st Sunday Service Theme of the Year: New Heights (Lev. 26:13; Phil. 3:13,14) Theme of the Month: New Heights (Lev. 26:13; Phil. 3:13,14) Topic: Flourishing Pathway to New Heights (Psalms 92:12-15;93) The theme, New Heights, suggests that there is old height. What is height to one may not be height to another; so this theme is relative. Everyone of us must examine our present level and what the height of the next level(s) will be. What it simply means to do this is that we will need to set responsible goals for this year and many years to come for different aspects of our lives. The text for today's message suggests that to flourish spiritually toward God, one must first of all be planted in His house. We need to be spiritually connected to Him. That means that we must follow the only way that leads to Him, which is through faith in the vicarious death of Jesus Christ. Every soul that will embark on spiritual jouney that leads to heav...