Indonesian man is world’s oldest at 145

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August 27, 2016


The world’s oldest man believed to be 145 years old has been uncovered in Indonesia, meaning that he would beat the current record holder, Jeanne Calment, who lived to 122.

Experts said they saw documents that show that Indonesian Mbah Gotho was born on 31 December 1870, 31 years before the death of Queen Victoria.

The man has outlived four wives and all 10 of his children and now has grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.

Gotho claimed that he had been able to live this long because he had been ‘patient’, but wouldn’t want to live any longer.

His grandchildren said Mr Gotho spends most of his days listening to the radio because his eyesight is too poor to watch TV.

For the past three months, Gotho had to be spoon-fed and bathe.

Though an official at the Indonesian records office had confirmed Mr Gotho’s date of birth as December 31 1870, it has not been independently verified.

He will join other super-senior citizens such as 171-year-old James Olofintuyi from Nigeria and 163-year-old Dhaqabo Ebba from Ethopia on an unverified list of the world’s oldest people if he died without the verification.


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