INTRODUCTION God has a purpose for the family just as He has a purpose for every other thing He created. As we glean through the scripture we see clearly that God is deeply concerned and keenly interested in the family as an institution. Generally, God fashioned the family to bear His image on earth – be in dominion, fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth (Gen. 1:26-28). By God’s design, man is the head of the family and he (the man) is primarily saddled with the responsibility of discovering the purpose of God for the family. As a husband/father, have you discovered or are you discovering the will of God for your family? It is important that you do so. The world today is in a mess. Families are being torn apart and the values which God expected the family to uphold are being gradually eroded and discarded (2 Tim. 3:1- 7; 1 Tim. 4:1, 2.) We must be careful and be spiritually sensitive to ensure that we are not collaborating with the devil to undermine and frustrate the purpose of God for the family.
I. MODELS OF DISCOVERING THE PURPOSE OF GOD FOR THE FAMILY. The Bible was written for our example that we might learn things needful for our spiritual growth and success in Christian journey (1 Cor. 10:6-11). The example of some people (and now serve as models to us) who discovered the purpose of God for their family should motivate us to do the same: A. Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3). God’s purpose for Abraham was to raise a great family (nation) through him. Abraham obeyed the divine call to start a generation that will be a blessing to the world and perpetuation of the blessing. B. Noah (Gen. 6:10-22). God’s purpose for Noah was to retain (through the remnant of his family) generation of mankind and restore the plan of God for the world. Noah was found blameless before God. C. Joseph (Gen. 45:1-8). God’s purpose for Joseph in Egypt was to preserve his brethren/household from famine and hunger that visited the world during their time.
II. MEANS OF DISCOVERING THE PURPOSE OF GOD FOR THE FAMILY. There are various ways through which we can discover the purpose of God for the family: A. Sensitivity: Being sensitive to the voice, leading, instruction of God (Isa. 30:21; 42:16; Psa. 32:8). Noah, Abraham among others were sensitive to hear and obey the direction God gave them. B. Seeking (Searching). If we are serious about knowing the purpose of God for our family and we seek it through diligence and prayer, we would discover it (Matt. 7:7-8; Deut. 4:29; Pro. 8:17). Paul asked God, “what would thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6). As a man (husband/father), we are to ask God for His purpose. Learn to wait upon the Lord to discover His plan for your family (Isa. 40:31; Psa. 40:1-3). C. Serving. Service is what we are called to render – to our family, church and nation (Rom. 12:11). Joseph served faithfully in Egypt and discovered over time that he was sent ahead to be a preserver. When you use your gift(s) in serving, God makes a way for you (Pro. 18:16). D. Synergizing. This means working within the family in unity and co- operation. Unity is the atmosphere needed for the spirit of God to operate in the family (Psa. 133; Acts 2:1-4; Eccl. 4:9-12). Synergizing demands that members of the family unit are faithful to their assigned roles/duties (Eph. 5:21-33; 6:1-4).

God in His word (the Bible) has shown us the pathway to discover His purpose. Every member of the family must be positioned to be part of this glorious assignment. When we faithfully play our part, God releases to us uncommon reward – now and hereafter.


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